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Road to Perfection


Tummy Tuck Surgery

It’s not hard to guess that having a flat stomach is every woman’s dream. A loose belly formed with increasing age, a drooping belly created after childbirth, excess skin in the abdomen formed due to rapid weight gain and loss play a significant role in a tummy tuck.

About Tummy Tuck Surgery

The goal of abdominal wall surgery is to remove the sagging skin around the navel area and flatten the abdomen. In agreement with the doctor, abdominal wall surgery can be combined with liposuction during surgery.

Tummy tuck surgery takes an average of 3 to 5 hours. Surgery is done under general anesthesia. Before the operation, the surgeon will make the necessary drawings on your body, and you will receive the latest information.

In abdominal wall surgery, the surgical incision is made just above the hairy area of ​​the pubic area. An average distance of 8 to 10 cm remains between the navel. The incision is almost the same as the Caesarean section, sometimes a little longer.

The navel is reshaped during a tummy tuck or Tummy Tuck operation. The scar is within the bikini or panty line. So it cannot be seen from the outside.

During an abdominoplastic procedure, the skin of the muscle is pulled down, and excess skin is removed. The operation is completed by tightening the relaxed abdominal muscles. In the meantime, excess fatty tissue is removed by liposuction, if possible.

The corset is put on immediately after surgery. Two drains are introduced to remove excess old blood and body fluids. These drains are removed on day 3. During abdominal wall surgery, the patient receives a urinary catheter the first night. The urinary catheter can be removed as soon as the patient can stand up on their own.

After a Tummy tuck operation, the patient has to stay in the hospital for two nights. A fully equipped hospital should undoubtedly have a preference.

Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

In Turkey, the Mini Tummy Tuck removes excess skin between the navel and pubic area.

Nothing is applied to the upper abdomen and navel during this procedure. Unlike all tummy tucks, liposuction can be easily used to the abdominal area and the love handles. It is a shorter procedure, and the recovery time is short.

It is usually done in women who have excess fat and skin that builds up after delivery. Excess skin is removed with a short incision that remains under the underwear. If necessary, excess fat is removed by liposuction. The operation is completed by repairing the relaxed muscle tissue.

The mini-abdominoplasty operation can take 2 to 3 hours and is done under general anesthesia. As with all abdominal surgery, it is appropriate for the patient to lose weight before the mini-abdominoplasty.

After the mini-abdominoplasty, the patient is put on a corset. The drains are introduced. A one night stay in the hospital is sufficient.

In Turkey, the mini tummy tuck is performed in a fully equipped hospital with a specialized surgeon. You stay one week in Turkey for the mini-abdominoplasty.

The price of a mini tummy tuck is lower than the entire tummy tuck.

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Experiences After Tummy Tuck Surgery?

You will have your first meal about 6 hours after the tummy tuck. You will take your first walk with the help of the nurse. When walking, you should allow for a slight bend over due to the tension in your abdomen. The position of your bed is adjusted so that your knees are slightly bent. It is normal to be in pain after abdominal surgery. You will spend the night more comfortably on medication provided by your doctor.

Your checkups will be done one day after your operation. You will stay in the hospital for another night. The next day your final checkups will be done, and you will be discharged from the hospital. Regular use of the medications your doctor gives you is crucial. Such as pain killers, antibiotics, and stomach protectors. During this period, the patient should not walk upright and should not lift heavily.

Your drains will be drawn on the second or third day after you leave the hospital. You can return to your daily life about three weeks after the tummy tuck. The light exercises your doctor will recommend will speed recovery.

The surgical scars will remain red until the 6th month. A year later, it starts to get pink and less visible.

Preparation Before Tummy Tuck Surgery

You must stop smoking two weeks before and two weeks after the tummy tuck. If you take medication regularly, you should tell the doctor. Blood thinners, some herbal teas should not be drunk before the tummy tuck.

In abdominal surgery, patients should have their operations performed after they have reached their average weight. For this reason, we want them to gain an average weight as much as possible.

You must monitor your health before surgery. Reasons like a cold or the flu can delay your surgery.

Tummy Tuck Surgery and Liposuction

Tummy tuck and liposuction can be combined. Especially belly fat, love handles, and back fat can be removed with liposuction. However, this decision must be made by the plastic surgeon, as abdominoplasty is a risky operation.

A short operating time is vital for the health of the patient. For this reason, the plastic surgeon will decide to combine tummy tuck and liposuction, taking into account the health of the patient.

Who Is Suitable For Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A tummy tuck can be done in people who have had a stomach reduction, suffer from a sagging stomach after childbirth, a flabby belly due to rapid weight gain and loss, and people with relaxed stomach muscles and sagging belly with age.

A tummy tuck can be performed one year after pregnancy and approximately one and a half years after stomach reduction (if the weight loss has stopped and weight is stable for a more extended period).

Can I Have a Tummy Tuck Surgery for the Second Time?

There is no discomfort for the patient to undergo a tummy tuck for the second time.

Minimum Age for Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty can be done on any man and woman over 18, without any medical impediment.

Tummy Tuck Surgery and Pregnancy

When planning a tummy tuck, we ask our patients a few questions. One of these is the question, do you think about pregnancy? If the patient is recently considering pregnancy, she should postpone surgery.

Because after birth, there is still a chance of a hanging belly. We can ask our patients with suspected pregnancy to have a pregnancy test.

This surgery does not prevent you from getting pregnant. You can undergo abdominal wall surgery one year after giving birth.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Prices in Turkey

We do abdominoplasty operations in Turkey. This is because the highest quality hospitals with the latest technologies and specialized surgeons are in Turkey. In Turkey, a Tummy Tuck operation is cheaper compared to other countries.

You can contact our assistants for the price of a tummy tuck.

You can contact us via the information form or WhatsApp. Our assistants will also help you with the price of a mini tummy tuck.

Information About Tummy Tuck Surgery

We have prepared the things you wonder about tummy tuck surgery in this article. We will share with you many information such as the preparation stage, for whom it is suitable, the post-abdominoplasty process, and the details of the surgery.

Surgery Card

Surgery Duration5-7 Hours
Anesthesia TypeGeneral Anesthesia
Body Corset6 Weeks
Urinary CatheterRemoved On the First Day
Drain ProbeRemoved On 4-5th Day
ShowerAfter 5 Days
Final6-12 Months
Journey Time7 Days
Hospital2 Days

To whom is Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed?

Tummy tuck surgery is a surgery to eliminate sagging in the abdominal skin. There are many reasons for the skin in the abdominal area to sag.

Are You Suitable For Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery is a more difficult operation than many other plastic surgeries. Therefore, the patient must comply with some criteria in order to eliminate the risks of surgery and to get the best result.

Preparation for Tummy Tuck Surgery

How is Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed?

Tummy tuck surgeries we organize in Turkey in Istanbul. One week travel should be planned for the surgery. Two days should be in the hospital.

We can divide tummy tuck surgeries into mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck. The difference between mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck surgery is distinguished by the belly button.

In mini tummy tuck surgery, the skin sagging under the belly button is removed. With liposuction, fat is removed from the back, belly and side waist area. The belly button cannot be touched.

In full tummy tuck surgery, the entire abdominal area is stretched and the belly button is re-made. In full tummy tuck surgeries, the fat in the back, belly and side waist area is removed by liposuction.

The duration of the operation can vary. It can take an average of 5 hours. It is normal to have pain in the first two days. He can eat 4 hours after the operation.

It may be difficult to move after tummy tuck surgery. But you will be asked to walk at certain intervals. You have to force yourself to consume plenty of water and walk often.

After Tummy Tuck Surgery

There are some rules you should pay attention to at home after abdominoplasty.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Prices

Tummy tuck price is determined by how the surgery is planned. There is a price difference between mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck. Tummy tuck costs are calculated according to the patient’s hotel, transportation and other needs. Tummy tuck surgery cost is lower for Turkey as well.

5 nights hotel in Istanbul Turkey tummy tuck prices, VIP transfers, translators, medications, regular checkups, corsets, breakfast is included and the last day drainage massage. You can also bring a friend with you for tummy tuck surgery.

Tummy Tuck Process

We have compiled the process you will experience in Turkey about the tummy tuck surgery and the questions from you and prepared them in items.
  • • Before the operation, you should be fasting for 8-10 hours. It should not be drunk, including water.
  • • During the operation, you should wear loose clothing, such as training pants.
  • • A shower on the morning of your surgery will help you relax.
  • • You should not wear make-up during the operation.
  • • You should remove nail polish and metal objects such as piercings, jewelry, hairpins, and similar accessories.
  • • It would help if you stopped taking blood-thinning medications at least ten days before surgery. It would be best if you did not take vitamin E.
  • • Please report the medications you take every day.
  • • Herbal tea, vitamins, green tea, and similar aids should not be consumed at least ten days before the operation and ten days after the procedure. Green tea, in particular, can cause severe bleeding.
  • • Inform cold, flu, and such conditions. This may delay your operation.
  • • Reports it if you are taking blood pressure, heart, sugar, or thyroid medications. You can take your medicines with you.
  • • It would help if you stopped taking contraceptive medications four weeks before surgery.
  • • Make sure you are not too tired for the operation. Do not exercise heavily.
  • • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol for two weeks in advance. In particular, you should stop smoking.
  • • Report the results of your blood count, pt, and Aptt blood tests before surgery, if possible.
  • • If desired, you can bring someone with you to assist you.
We operate the tummy tuck surgery in Istanbul, Turkey. It is performed in a fully equipped private hospital with a specialist doctor.
It is sufficient to stay seven days in Turkey for tummy tuck surgery.
You will stay for two nights in a private hospital.
First, we will meet you at the airport in Turkey. On the day of operation, the health assistant will pick you up from your hotel and take you to the hospital. It will be with you in all your procedures. The assistant will accompany you during the discharge procedures and control processes.
The operation takes approximately 4-5 hours. This period may be more extended if another surgery is to be added to the tummy tuck surgery.
Tummy tuck surgery is operated under general anesthesia. The patient is completely asleep.
We do liposuction in tummy tuck surgeries. Excess fat on the belly and sides are removed by liposuction.
The mini tummy tuck is used in patients where sagging and looseness are less and mostly occurs in part under the belly button. The full tummy tuck is planned to stretch above and below the belly button. The location of the belly button can be changed in complete tummy tuck surgery.
With abdominoplasty, you will get rid of the cracks in your abdomen to a great extent.
You can have a tummy tuck surgery one year after birth.

Tummy tuck surgery is a surgical operation. In the lower part of the abdomen, depending on the size of your skin sagging, a scar looks like a cesarean section, which we can call a little longer. We arrange for this scar to remain under your underwear.

No, it is not inappropriate. Before abdominoplasty, our patients are asked if they are considering pregnancy. If they have such thoughts recently, they recommend that they do the surgery after birth. Because if there is birth after abdominoplasty, there will be some loosening in the abdominal area again.
It is quite normal to have pain after tummy tuck surgery. You will be under the doctor’s supervision in the hospital for two nights. During this period, you will be able to spend this period more comfortably with painkillers. Your pain will last 3-4 days, depending on your movement situation.
You will have drains in tummy tuck surgery. These drains are removed on the 3rd day.
It is normal to have edema, swelling, and bruises after the operation. From the 4th to – 5th day, these symptoms begin to decrease.
You will use a corset for about 1-2 months after abdominoplasty.
Your doctor is expected to evaluate your situation and tell you a time for taking a bath shower after tummy tuck surgery.
Long walks can be started two weeks after the tummy tuck surgery. You should wait for two months for heavy sports.
After you are discharged from the hospital, you should rest for 3-4 days.
You can have abdominoplasty if needed for the second time. One year should pass.
We recommend massage after Tummy Tuck surgery. You can massage to reduce edema and swell in the areas where fat is removed and make the body lines smoother.
We operate the tummy tuck surgery in Turkey. We prefer fully equipped hospitals with intensive care units. It is crucial to choose an equipped hospital for tummy tuck surgery performed by Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
Tummy tuck surgery prices in Turkey are given as a package. Hotel, transfer, corset, medicines, and operation are included in this process. You can get information from our call center portion or prices for the tummy tuck operations we did in Turkey.
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