H. Hartplein 33 A
5462EB Veghel NL
5462EB Veghel NL
Monday – Saturday – 8:00 – 18:00
Sunday – 8:00 – 14:00
Sunday – 8:00 – 14:00
The chest is the central body part that symbolizes femininity and emphasizes the physics of women. The primary function of the breast is breastfeeding. Apart from this, it is an indispensable part of sexuality.
Women feel unhappy if they don’t like their breasts. In this situation, which causes loss of self-confidence, breast augmentation is one of the most successful solutions.
Breast augmentation is mainly performed in women who are not satisfied with their breast size. With silicone implants or, in other words, silicone prostheses, the breasts are enlarged. Breast augmentation surgery is an operation that makes women happy with the result immediately after surgery. There are several reasons why women want breast augmentation.
Breast augmentation surgery takes about 1-2 hours. If breast augmentation is performed in conjunction with a breast lift, the surgery will take longer.
Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The patient is completely asleep. After surgery, the patient is brought to her room wearing a post-operative compression bra. Due to the effect of anesthesia and a cold work environment, some patients may feel very cold for the first 30 minutes after surgery, which is entirely normal.
The box and the prosthesis warranty certificate attached to the patient will be handed over to the patient after the operation.
The patient will stay overnight in the hospital for one night. It is normal to experience mild pain on the first night. In the hospital, strong painkillers and antibiotics are administered via the IV.
A day after surgery, your checkups will be done, and your discharge procedures will be started. Two days later, the final checks are carried out, and the operation process is complete.
Turkey ranks in the top three in the world rankings for the most chosen country for breast aesthetics.
We perform breast augmentation operations in fully equipped A-class hospitals in Turkey. A highly experienced specialist will perform your surgery.
Every woman can have a different reason for having breast surgery. That is why breast aesthetics is an operation specially designed for the individual and tailored to the patient’s expectations and complaints.
It can be done on women who think their breasts are too small. When planning breast aesthetics, it’s not just breast augmentation that gets priority. The ratio with hip and waist must be calculated. The hip-waist-chest rate is critical.
The disproportionate symmetry in the bust size requires breast aesthetics. That is, one breast smaller or larger than the other breast. Then a breast augmentation or breast reduction must be performed. This situation is observed in many women. However, in some patients, the difference between the two breasts can be huge. In this case, breast aesthetics can become indispensable.
Lack of the breast, recovery of the breast, and reconstruction of the breast after a particular disease such as breast cancer may be the reason for some breast surgeries.
Women who lose their breast volume after pregnancy have to deal with breast aesthetics. Breast augmentation can be combined with a breast lift in these patients.
For example, women who lose weight quickly or lose excess weight after gastric bypass surgery may experience sagging breasts and breast volume loss. In these cases, breast augmentation is performed in combination with a breast lift.
Breast silicone range from 200 to 800 cc. The silicone sizes start at 200 cc and are determined based on our patients’ demand and body structure and go up to 800 cc. The most commonly used silicone size is between 250-450 cc.
The essential thing in choosing a breast prosthesis is what the patient wants. Women generally like big breasts. The patient’s wishes are, therefore, fundamental to us. As a result, it is decided together with the patient what type of silicone will be used and what the silicone size will be.
We often get the question of whether the silicone should be round or drop shape. In this context, we have described the differences between the two.
Round breast silicone is the most preferred breast silicone model. When making this choice, the patient’s body structure is evaluated.
The breast prosthesis can be placed in the breast from 3 different places. We put the silicone under the nipple, under the armpit, or the breast.
The most commonly used method is under the breast. In this way, mammary glands and mammary glands are not damaged. Because the incision scar remains in the lower part of the breast, it is invisible and faster recovery time.
The breast implants can be placed under the muscle or over the pectoral muscle. In our breast augmentation surgeries, silicone is usually placed under the muscle.
After breast augmentation, your pain will last for another day or two. A feeling of swelling and fullness will appear in the chest.
You will feel more comfortable on the third day and begin to move your arms and torso more comfortably. You can take a shower 3-4 days after the operation. But the decision about this will be made by your doctor at your last checkup.
You wear a sports bra for about one month after breast augmentation, which will help shape it.
After breast augmentation, strength training is not allowed for the first five to six weeks. For exercise, you can start walking at a slow pace. Activities such as sauna, solarium, and steam bath may not be performed for two months.
We are doing breast augmentation surgeries in Istanbul, Turkey. We work together with several A-class hospitals. We offer you an “all-inclusive” package with hotel stays, FDA-approved silicone, post-operative compression bra, VIP airport service, and a personal attendant. You can find the price of breast augmentation in Turkey on our website under the “price list” tab. For more detailed information about breast augmentation, please call, email, or message us via WhatsApp.
You can also fill in your medical background together with your photos via the E-consultation form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Heilig Hartplein 33A, 5462 EB Veghel NL
Maandag – Zaterdag – 8:00 – 18:00
Zondag – 8:00 – 14:00
info [@] healthandbeautytravel.nl
Maandag – Zaterdag – 8:00 – 18:00
Zondag – 8:00 – 14:00
info [@] healthandbeautytravel.nl