H. Hartplein 33 A
5462EB Veghel NL
5462EB Veghel NL
Monday – Saturday – 8:00 – 18:00
Sunday – 8:00 – 14:00
Sunday – 8:00 – 14:00
Liposuction, the removal of fat, is one of the most sought-after operations. It is equally effective in men and women. The most commonly performed surgical procedure in Turkey is liposuction. Breast augmentation comes second and rhinoplasty third. The most common surgical procedure worldwide is eyelid correction.
“How many pounds will I lose with liposuction?” Or “How much weight can I lose?” Are the most frequently asked questions to us. Due to the created perception, liposuction is believed to be a slimming method.
It’s not the case.
Liposuction, otherwise called fat removal, is a surgical procedure performed to remove local fat deposits and better balance your body’s contours.
Therefore, liposuction aims not to lose weight but to correct the shape of the body.
To answer questions such as how much weight can I lose? or how much fat is removed? First of all, your BMI (Body Mass Index) must be determined following your height and weight. The result is assessed, then other factors are considered.
The most crucial factor is the surgeon’s advice. The number of liters of fat that is removed can be determined after answering a few questions. The maximum fat that can be drawn is 7 percent of the weight. But this may not be suitable for every patient.
The health of the patient is essential and monitored.
The use of medicines, previous operations, and chronic illnesses such as; heart problems, diabetes, and thyroid problems are important diagnoses that need to be investigated.
The surgeons decide following these criteria. Age is also an essential factor. It should be noted that every operation has its risks. The priority during operations is to keep the risks to a minimum.
After all checkups, the doctor examines whether it is possible to remove 7 percent fat from the weight. This is entirely at the discretion of the physician.
The goal of liposuction surgery is to remove body fat and reduce the number of fat cells. After reaching adulthood, the body completes the formation of fat cells. New fat cells no longer form.
With increasing weight, the fats are stored in the fat cells.
If the fat cells are removed here, fat can build up in the fat cells left in this area. The fewer fat cells there are, the less fat is created again. As long as the patient pays attention to his diet after surgery, the chance of fat reforming will be meager.
Regardless of which technique is performed, the purpose of liposuction surgeries is to remove fat from the body. The technique/method is entirely the choice of the physician. Much liposuction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The patient completes some preparations that require attention before surgery. You can find these preparations in the Surgical Processes section.
The patient is admitted to the hospital 1 to 2 hours before the operation, where a blood test occurs. The anesthetist completes the examination. After all, assessments are completed, the patient will undergo surgery.
The duration of the surgery can vary depending on the number of body parts where fat is removed. The amount of fat in the patient also determines the period of the operation. It can take an average of 2 to 4 hours. This length of time includes taking the patient from the room to the operating room and waking the patient after surgery.
A patient’s operating time removing 2 liters of fat is not the same as a patient removing 7 liters of fat.
The operating time with five body parts liposuction will not be the same as a patient with one body part liposuction.
Liposuction uses thin cannulas (tubes) to suck the fat away.
These tubes are placed through tiny cuts in the skin. The small scars that develop will be barely visible with time. The question, will there be scars after liposuction? It can be answered as NO.
The tubes placed under the skin suck up the fat just like a vacuum cleaner. Whether it is done with a vacuum device or with the surgeon’s physical force, its sole purpose is to suck the fat out of the body.
After the operation, the patient is awakened and then taken to his / her room. The necessary follow-up treatment starts, and the patient stays in it for a day.
After liposuction, patients experience pain comparable to the problem that occurs after heavy sports. This pain can vary from person to person. This process is made comfortable with painkillers.
During liposuction, as much fluid is given as the amount of fat removed from the body. These fluids can continue to come out of the holes in the body, especially the first night. This is entirely normal. Don’t be alarmed if the juices coming out are bloody.
A day after surgery, the doctor will visit you and provide detailed information about your latest condition. After the checkups, your discharge from the hospital is complete.
Your final checkups will be done two or three days after surgery. Medicines given during this time should be taken on time, and due care should be taken for a speedy recovery.
After the last check, patients are allowed to return to their country. After a few days, patients should start walking. Light exercise should be exercised. The most crucial thing after liposuction is the massage. Thanks to the massage, the moisture in the body are removed faster. It also has an essential role in the formation of the body.
It takes an average of 5 to 6 months to see the result of Turkey’s liposuction. Sports, massages and healthy nutrition assures you to achieve the desired body shape.
For the liposuction operation, it is sufficient to stay in Turkey for 5 to 6 days. You can go on with your daily life two days after the procedure. Many patients already make a trip to Istanbul on the 3rd day.
Liposuction surgery is used for many parts of the body. Here are some mentioned;
Liposuction prices are different and depending on the body parts where fat will be removed. Some patients want liposuction on one body part as well as all over the body.
The prices for liposuction are lower in Turkey. You can inquire about liposuction prices from experienced doctors and quality hospitals with us by telephone or WhatsApp.
The full liposuction package includes hotel, breakfast, transfer, corset, counseling, and medication.
The liposuction prices can also be found in the Liposuction “Price List” section on our page.
In this article, you will be able to find all the information about liposuction. Our aim will be to convey the details of the liposuction surgery, to ensure that you know the preparations you will make before and after, what are the risks, what are the benefits, what are the factors that change the prices of liposuction, and what areas are liposuction performed and what awaits you in this surgery.
Liposuction is the process of removing fat from determined parts of the body. In short, it is fat removal surgery.
Fat removal surgery and weight loss surgery should not be confused with each other. The purpose of liposuction is to provide body shape by removing the fats in certain areas that spoil the aesthetic appearance.
The number of areas to be degreased may be more than one. Generally, fat from the jowl, arm, abdomen, waist, hip, leg, pubis above the genital area, knees, and ankles can be easily removed.
Liposuction cannot be applied to every person. It must meet certain criteria for liposuction. The most important criterion is the height-weight ratio. In other words, the body mass index needs to be calculated. The body mass index of the person who will undergo liposuction surgery should be below 32. For example, a person with a height of 170 cm should weigh less than 90 kg.
Apart from this, it is decided that people with heart, diabetes, anemia, and other chronic diseases will be suitable for liposuction after the necessary controls are made.
Liposuction surgery can be performed on people aged 18 and over.
For classical liposuction, a liquid that inflates fat cells is given to the body. Swollen fat cells are vacuumed with the classical liposuction device.
For Vaser Liposuction, fluid is given to the body to distribute sound waves. Then, a sound wave is transmitted to the areas where fat will be removed with the Vaser liposuction device. Thanks to this sound wave, the oils in that area turn into liquid. The oils that turn into liquid are absorbed and absorbed. It is a comfortable procedure with a lower risk of bleeding.
Vaser hi-def makes a difference, especially in body contouring. Sixpack surgery is one of them. Besides, Vaser liposuction is of great importance in fat transfer processes. As is known, the transfer of fat taken in liposuction to other parts of the body is common. Bbl, fat transfer to the breast and fat transfer to the legs are applied in the bow leg repair. Vaser liposuction facilitates the intake of beneficial oils.
Liposuction can be applied to many parts of the body with the fat removal operation.
Belly, waist, back, arm, jowl, hip, inner leg, whole leg, knee, ankles, upper vagina. These areas are the areas where liposuction is performed most frequently.
Fat removal liposuction is actually combined with many surgeries. The tummy tuck, arm lift, leg lift, breast reduction, and breast augmentation, bbl. Liposuction is required for every procedure that requires fat transfer. It is possible to remove fat from the body only with liposuction.
The patient needs to prepare himself physically and psychologically for liposuction fat removal surgeries. Before liposuction, every woman and man watch photos and videos before liposuction on social media and many search engines. It is thought that there has been a sudden change. But the situation is not that easy.
You will have pain especially in the first two days after the operation. You will live with your drains for the first 3-4 days. It is normal for waste blood to come from your body. There may be difficulty in walking after the operation. This is part of the process. All is normal.
The patient has responsibilities as well as the doctor who will do the liposuction. Especially nutrition and sports have to be an integral part of your life. After the surgery, walks and massages should be done to remove the edema. Foods that will make your body lubricate should not be consumed excessively.
Appropriate patient criteria are important for liposuction. If the patient does not have heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus, the risk of anesthesia is low. Liposuction reduces the risks to patients under 60 years of age and to people whose body mass index is suitable.
Most of the deaths after liposuction, which we read in the news and social media, may occur in cases that do not meet the criteria of appropriate liposuction patients, are overweight, have chronic diseases, have not been evaluated by the doctor in medical terms, and the necessary precautions are not taken. Sometimes, even if all precautions are taken, the patient’s health condition is suitable for this surgery, but unfortunately, bad results are encountered. It would not be correct to generalize this as liposuction surgery. These sad situations can be experienced after tooth extraction, even after eye surgeries, which are called very easy.
Let us state the complications that may occur after liposuction surgery.
Liposuction prices can vary. We can list the conditions that cause liposuction price changes as follows.
According to these criteria, liposuction prices may change.
In case you have an operation abroad, the services offered by the company providing the organization may differ. That’s why you should start off with a reliable company. Especially in Istanbul, you should prefer experienced companies that have their own team.
Important factors such as the fact that the hospital where you will be liposuction is A-class, the operating room team, anesthesia team, and nursing nurses are experienced, your doctor is experienced in this field, and the hygiene of the hotel you will stay in is at the highest level, changing the liposuction price.
We recommend massage after a liposuction operation. A therapeutic massage with a specialist masseur at regular intervals will be beneficial in both body shaping and rapid removal of edema.
Heilig Hartplein 33A, 5462 EB Veghel NL
Maandag – Zaterdag – 8:00 – 18:00
Zondag – 8:00 – 14:00
info [@] healthandbeautytravel.nl
Maandag – Zaterdag – 8:00 – 18:00
Zondag – 8:00 – 14:00
info [@] healthandbeautytravel.nl